Hair Analysis

Hair mineral analysis is a scientific test which uses a small hair sample to measure the mineral content of the hair. It measures mineral levels, toxic metals, and mineral ratios. This gives us a unique “window” into cellular metabolism which can be used to rebalance body chemistry and remove toxic metals.
Hair samples are “pre-digested” in acid, then incinerated at high temperatures in order to obtain a spectrograph reading.
Hair testing is often superior to blood or urine tests for measuring minerals and toxic metals. Mineral levels are more stable and readable in hair than in blood. While it does not provide a diagnosis, it does show health trends. This can be extremely valuable for correcting imbalances before they become established diseases.
Common mental and emotional conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADD, autism, and learning disabilities often have nutritional roots which can be corrected. Tendencies for over 30 common health conditions can be identified.
Hair analysis has been scientifically documented for over 30 years, with thousands of published research articles. In 1979 the EPA reviewed over 400 medical reports and concluded that “hair is a meaningful and representative tissue for the monitoring of most toxic metals.”