Michael has a Master’s Degree in Acupuncture from the Traditional Acupuncture Institute (now TAI-SOPHIA) the nation’s first fully accredited Acupuncture School. He has also studied with teachers of Taoist, Apache, Navajo, Seneca, and Cherokee traditions. His passion is to unite the circle of ancient wisdom and the modern world.
He credits acupuncture for great healing in his life, and now brings holistic healing to others with enthusiasm and passion.
Since 2004 he has been practicing Dr. Richard Tan ‘s Balance Method Acupuncture, a highly effective system which had not previously been taught in this country. Dr. Tan, a Master Acupuncturist from Taiwan, now resides in San Diego.
Both Five Element style and Balance Method treat the whole person- body, mind, and spirit.
Michael combines the two methods for an enhanced healing effect. He also brings his knowledge of herbal remedies, nutritional balancing, meditation, breathing techniques and exercise physiology for a truly holistic healing approach.